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The addenda and amendments regarding the rate of farmers compensation come into force

The General Directorate of Taxes would like to inform all taxpayers that Instruction No. 3, dated 21/02/2019 “On some addenda and amendments to the Instruction No. 19, dated 03/11/2014 “On implementing the special regime of the compensations scheme for agricultural producers for the purposes of Value Added Tax”, as amended, has been published in the Official Journal No. 23, dated 26 February 2019.

Below there are some of the main amendments to this instruction:

The farmers compensation rate

The compensation rate for farmers and VAT noted in the invoice by the collector shall be applied at the rate of 6%. The purchasing taxable persons shall credit the compensation of 6%.

The farmer’s obligations

In order to benefit from the compensation scheme, the farmer shall be registered in the Regional Directorate of Taxes to be equipped with a NUIS within two working days. The Regional Directorate of Taxes shall provide the farmer with the NUIS certificate, putting down the name of the farmer “Farmer A.B.” and the NUIS generated by the system.

The obligations of the taxable person

The collecting company receiving the supply, before issuing the first invoice to the farmer, shall notify the respective Regional Directorate of Taxes that applies the farmer’s compensation scheme by also attaching the agreement with the farmer.

Manner of invoicing

With regards to filling in the tax invoice, please consult with the example in paragraph 2 of Article 11 in the Instruction.