The Directorate of Large Taxpayers held an informative meeting to introduce the amendments to the tax legislation in the framework of the Fiscal Package 2019. It was attended by around 360 fiscal consultants, economists and accounting experts, who represent the majority of large taxpayers.
These amendments were presented in a discussion form by the GDT experts and the Director of the Large Taxpayers Directorate, Mrs Enkeleida Pipa, who during her speech expressed her gratitude to the representatives for their participation and high interest demonstrated.
“The aim of this meeting is to get familiar with these amendments, implement them as correctly as possible and duly inform the taxpayers. At any time, the LTD and its structures will be available to provide professional assistance in order that all the legal amendments can be understood as righteously as possible”, said Mrs Pipa. She invited the representatives of large taxpayers to use all the communication channels available at the Tax Administration in order to get familiar with the amendments to the tax legislation and to duly implement them.
The representatives of the large taxpayers appreciated the professional approach shown by the Tax Administration to inform on the Fiscal Package 2019, and they presented some concrete proposals as well.
The Fiscal Package 2019 aims to improve the administration in revenue collection, reduce costs of tax compliance from business and administration, but also to encourage timely declarations and payments.
This package aims to facilitate tax procedures, encourage the development of several sectors like: agriculture, tourism, energy, innovation, etc.; to reduce fiscal evasion and tax evasion, as well as to facilitate communication mainly online, whether with line institutions as well as with taxpayers.
The Tax Administration will continuously inform the taxpayers on the detailed amendments to the instructions already into force.