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The GDT would like to remind to all taxpayers to pay the instalments on Income Tax

The General Directorate of Taxes would like to remind to all taxpayers that December 30th is the last deadline to pay the instalment on Income Tax, thus complying with the obligation for the fiscal year January-December 2018. This is based on Article 30 of the Law No. 8438, dated 28/12/1998 “On income tax”, as amended.

Given that December 30th is a day off, the GDT would like to ask to all taxpayers to perform the payment of instalments in advance by December 28th, in order to avoid every potential overload of the banking system.

In case of failure to pay the liability within the legal deadlines, the taxpayer shall be sanctioned at 10% of the amount of instalment to be paid.

Subject to this obligation shall be all taxpayers that fall under the liability of Income Tax. As per the legal provisions, they shall be paid by taxpayers with a turnover above ALL 8 million. The payment shall be carried out through the bank system via a payment order.

The Tax Administration remains committed to accurately inform all taxpayers on the rights and obligations, and encourages them to voluntarily fulfil their tax liabilities.