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The RDT of Durres has been proclaimed as the “Directorate of the month” for its performance with revenues

The Regional Directorate of Taxes in Durres has marked the highest performance with revenue collection; therefore, it has been selected as the “Directorate of the month”.

Referring to the data, during November 2018, the RDT of Durres has collected around ALL 126.7 million or 13.1% more tax revenues than planned.

This directorate which administers 13,057 businesses, has continuously achieved positive results in its work and has established correct relations with the taxpayers.

For the next year as well, among the key objectives for the RDT of Durres will be: to maintain positive indicators, increase the level of voluntary compliance of taxpayers, as well as to provide services on as a short time as possible and at lesser costs for individuals and entrepreneurs of this region.