Pursuant to the Law No. 9920, dated 19/05/2008 “On tax procedures in the Republic of Albania”, as amended, Article 60 “The obligation of taxpayers to provide information to the Tax Administration”, the General Directorate of Taxes would like to inform all taxpayers that they must submit at the Regional Directorates of Taxes the analytical inventory of 31/12/2018. The inventory shall include information regarding the raw material, ready-made products, goods for sale, detailed in units, quantity, price and value.
Such information must be submitted at the RDTs within 10/01/2019 in a written form, signed and sealed by the representative of the company or must be uploaded electronically on the e-Filing system, under the “My cases” section.
Moreover, we would like to inform you that, pursuant to the analysis to be conducted by the Inspection Directorate at the RDTs, the taxpayer must become subject to on-site inspections regarding to the accuracy of this inventory.