Pursuant to Article 30, “Advance payments”, paragraph 5 of the Law No. 8438, dated 28/12/1998 “On Income Tax”, as amended and Chapter 3.13 “Advance payments (prepayments), paragraph 3.13.4 “Incremental adjustment of the monthly instalments of income tax prepayment”, letter c, the Tax Administration would like to inform the taxpayers that it is reviewing the advance payments of Income Tax for November – December 2018.
The process of review is conducted based on the data of economic activity that the taxpayer has declared via VAT declarations. The Tax Administration takes into consideration even data provided by third parties, which have not been declared by the taxpayers.
Such a normal process in the work of the Tax Administration, aims to bring satisfactory parameters in the economic and fiscal performance of taxpayers.
Moreover, it is conducted to help taxpayers to balance the payments of Income Tax upon termination of the annual financial statements, as well as not to face any liquidity issues.
The Tax Administration remains committed to accurately inform the taxpayers on their rights and obligations, and encourages them to voluntarily fulfil the tax liabilities.