The General Directorate of Taxes in its quality of the service provider to taxpayers remains committed to enhance quality as well as to provide cost efficient services.
The implementation of the Decision of the Council of Ministers No. 623, dated 26/10/2018 “On approving the citizens’ rights card to receive public services” also serves to such goal.
This card determines the rights of the citizens and businesses to receive services from the institutions authorized for their delivery.
This card sets out 20 rights, which are as follows:
- The right to information;
- The right to and use of public services;
- The right to withdraw from a request;
- Removing the burden on the citizens and businesses;
- The right to equal treatment in service delivery;
- The right to active support during the process of service delivery;
- The right to an effective solution;
- The right to having your request processed as per the application order;
- The right to receive services within the reasonable deadlines;
- The right to receive a service in a transparent manner;
- The right to having alternatives in submitting a request for service delivery;
- The right to not be sanctioned for errors/inaccuracies of the public administration institutions;
- The right to complain;
- Infrastructure in public services delivery;
- Accountability toward citizens and businesses;
- Protection of personal data, information or trade secret;
- The right to preliminary counselling;
- The right to a qualitative service;
- Participating in the improvement of public services;
- Publication, information and education.
The General Directorate of Taxes remains professionally committed to educate taxpayers, as well as to comply with these rights during the provision of public services in practise by its employees.