One of the main goals of the plan of measures implemented by the General Directorate of Taxes in the framework of the touristic season is to ensure compliance from taxpayers for the obligation to register all employees engaged in the business, whether full or part time.
Referring to the data of the GDT, during May 28th – August 12th, 2018, 443 taxpayers with employees not declared in the scheme of social securities and health care insurance contributions have been identified. Given the measures taken by the Tax Administration it appears that 2792 employees have been included in the scheme of social securities and health care insurance contributions for the period under review. The total value related to the undeclared employees for these taxpayers reached to approximately ALL 42.2 million.
The General Directorate of Taxes would like to make an appeal to all taxpayers to comply with their legal obligations, meanwhile it invites every employee to report cases of contributions not paid for the work performed.