The General Directorate of Taxes would like to inform all taxpayers (trade companies/legal persons), that pursuant to the Law “On entrepreneurs and companies” have taken the decision for income destination upon taxation and have distributed it in the form of dividend, that the last deadline to declare and pay the withholding tax shall be August 20th, 2018.
The declaration of the amount of dividend will be done by means of the declaration of withholding tax, which is submitted online at the Tax Administration within such date.
The payment of this tax shall be done at the second level banks by August 20th, regardless if the payment of the dividends has been paid or not for the benefiting entities/individuals.
Moreover, we would like to remind you that in case of failure to declare or pay on due time the tax on dividend, the respective legal provisions shall apply.
The General Directorate of Taxes shall remain committed to inform taxpayers on the accurate implementation of the legislation, as well as on the declarations within the timeframes.