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The Tax Investigation Directorate discovers the fraud scheme with a damage value reaching to 1 million dollars

Upon an intensive work, the structures of the Tax Investigation Directorate have managed to discover a financial fraud scheme with the Value Added Tax (VAT) in the sector of trade and construction, with a damage value reaching to approximately 1 million dollars. A considerable number of commercial entities have been involved in this scheme.

Whereas the Court of First Instance in Tirana has executed the following security measures:

  • Arrest in prison of the citizen Gj. F. 43 years old, administrator of “KRISTIRINA” sh.p.k. entity.
  • House arrest for the citizen H. M, 50 years old serving as the accounting specialist.
  • House arrest for the citizen T. K, 53 years old serving as customs agent.
  • House arrest for the citizen E. B. 32 years old serving as administrator and sole partner in the company “ARENI ALBANIA” sh.p.k.

These citizens have been charged with the criminal offences of “Building fraud schemes regarding the Value Added Tax’ and “Concealment of income” committed in collaboration.

The Investigation Structures have raised reasonable suspicions that the fraud scheme in the area of construction is wider and therefore they are still continuing with their investigations.