Pursuant to the Law No. 8438, dated 28/12/1998 “On income tax”, as amended, Article 33(ë), all taxpayers that exercise an activity shall submit at the Regional Directorate of Taxes a copy of the contract of lease or contract of ownership of the premises.
Pursuant to the abovementioned legal provision, those taxpayers that exercise an activity in rented premises shall calculate, keep and disburse at the account of Tax Authorities the withholding tax by 20th of the next month upon performance of rent payment.
The tax on rent shall be calculated on the real value of the rent which in no case can be lower than the minimum value of rent defined by DCM No. 469, dated 03/06/2015 “On defining the minimum value of the reference prices of buildings’ rents for tax purposes”.
Failure to implement this legal obligation shall constitute an administrative penalty that is sanctioned pursuant to the Law No. 9920, dated 19/05/2008 “On tax procedures in the Republic of Albania”, as amended.