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The Regional Directorate of Taxes in Berat meets with small business taxpayers

The Regional Directorate of Taxpayers held a meeting with small business representatives. The aim of this meeting was to openly discuss on the implementation of the anti-informality action.

Other issues were also discussed in the meeting related to the updating of the self-declared data from the taxpayers, correct keeping of the tax documentation and the issuance in every case of the tax coupon.

The RDT of Berat informed the participants on the right to benefit from the Law “On remission” until December 31st, 2017. This directorate appealed to the business representatives to pay all principal tax liabilities for 2011-2014, in order to benefit from the deletion/remission of fines and late payment interests for these periods.

The participants deemed as very positive these discussions which increase the level of cooperation between the administration and business.