The Directorate of Large Taxpayers held a meeting with the Builders Association. During the meeting, representatives from the Tax Administration clarified the steps taken during the anti-informality action, as well as listened to the issues raised by the construction sector representatives. DLT highlighted the main criteria followed during the inspections under way and that will continue in the frame of this action. With regards to the construction sector, an issue encountered from the on-site inspections and verifications was highlighted as very important; the one related to the late reporting of works conducted by the construction entities.
Moreover, in this meeting the construction sector was required to declare the actual number of employees, who constitute a relevant part in the total number of employed persons in the country. The representatives of the Builders Association appreciated the initiative of the Tax Administration and presented their concerns and recommendations regarding this sector.
Following these meetings, the RDT in Kukes convened a round table of discussions with business representatives from the area of Has. This meeting focused on the anti-informality action that is being conducted and its impact on the taxpayers. The business representatives have greeted this initiative of the Tax Administration to hold these discussion tables throughout Albania, whereby all stakeholders have the opportunity to present their issues and to give recommendations in favour of improving the business climate.