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Action against informality, data from this action for the first three days

The action against informality, which today has entered its third day, is going on with the on-site presence throughout the territory of the coordinated working groups comprising of inspectors from the General Directorate of Taxes, Customs and Labour Inspectorate.

The Tax Authorities have been focused on the coordinated monitoring of the large business based on the risk platforms as well as the more efficient use of the cross-cutting information to better detect the most problematic sectors and businesses. An integral pillar of the action is still information and taxpayers’ service, as well as on-site inspection of the economic units.

The action plan on the field includes 78 areas throughout the territory, with 95 groups that have continued with their action to verify taxpayers unregistered at the NBC and Tax Authority, verify the use of fiscal equipments and issuance of the tax coupon, verify the declaration of employees at the Tax Authorities, as well as verify the documentation with tax invoices of the goods in other entities.

During the first days of this action, 717 entities have been inspected from the office, out of which 173 entities have resulted with a change in liability. During the on-site verifications until now, the groups have visited 1394 entities.

Likewise, during the first three days the taxpayers’ service directorates have been in intensive contact with the entrepreneurship to provide counselling, assistance and information. More than 6500 taxpayers have been contacted in order to encourage self-correction as well as to benefit from the Law “On payment and deletion/remission of tax liabilities”, and to directly assist them on various issues (674 counselling visits and 3519 assisted through the front desks).