The Tax Administration is undertaking a number of initiatives to ensure at its maximum the role of taxpayers in voluntary fulfilling any obligations deriving from the tax legislation.
According to the right to information and assistance deriving from the Law “On tax procedures”, any taxpayer shall be entitled to receive information and to be assisted for free from the Tax Administration in order to understand and abide by the tax legislation.
The structures in charge of serving the taxpayers have been established within the structure of the Tax Administration, as well as communication via the Call Centre, including live-chat, has become more effective.
The taxpayer service network is operational in all the front desks of the Regional Directorates of Taxes and is extended throughout the territory of the country.
Beyond such structural and operational organization up to now, a new manner of service will be provided to all taxpayers wherever they are.
It is the first time that the Tax Administration will provide its qualified service not only at the front desks of the official premises, but also at the site of the taxpayers’ activity. The recently registered taxpayers will be the first beneficiaries of this new service, that will be expanded to an all-inclusive circle related to any problem that they might face. This new modus of operandi is expected to promote an open dialogue among our service employees and taxpayers.
Substantially, each visit at the premises of the taxpayer shall be supported by a new form called “Form of Visit at the Taxpayer”, lately approved by the General Director of Taxes.
Such document that will formalize any communication between the service inspectors and taxpayers shall be publicly provided to all taxpayers attached to this announcement.
Each taxpayer has the opportunity to get acquainted beforehand with this fully informative guide by visiting our official website.
Dear taxpayers,
The Tax Administration is convinced in your availability to cooperate and support this new initiative undertaken by the institution.