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Reminder! What the small business should know when first entering the VAT scheme

Dear taxpayers!

We would like to remind you that on April 1st, 2018, the legal amendments related to the Value Added Tax have entered into force. Every taxpayer that supplies goods or services, that during 2017 has carried out a turnover of ALL 2,000,000 – 5,000,000, has been automatically registered in the VAT scheme by the Tax Administration.

Therefore, these taxpayers should have done the following:

1- The change in tax rate, by applying the 20% rate or the rates reduced as per the area of activity of taxpayers.

2- All taxpayers included in the VAT scheme, in the first tax period (April 2018), shall be entitled to recognize the deducted VAT for inventory goods in stock until March 31st, 2018, which are goods intended to be sold and that VAT will be calculated on sale.

 The conditions to be complied with to exercise this right shall be as follows:


  • The goods will serve to carry out taxable supplies with right to deduction.
  • To have the list of stock goods (inventory) identified, specified in quantity and value. A copy of the inventory shall be submitted to the regional directorate of taxes and uploaded on e-filing, at the session “My cases”, by April 30th, 2018. This inventory must be identified in the registers and accounting of the taxable person.
  • Every good included in the inventory must be justified with a VAT purchase tax invoice and purchased not before than 12 tax periods.


3- Shall be supplied with VAT tax invoice books at the Regional Directorate of Taxes where registered, that are issued for transactions above ALL 40,000, and/or when the buyer will ask for one from the salesperson. Shall issue a tax coupon for every sale to end-consumer clients.

4- Shall register chronologically the invoices of sales and purchases, in electronic format, at the monthly book of sales and purchases. The first deadline of this declaration is July 10th, 2018 for the tax periods: April-May-June 2018

5- Shall submit the VAT declaration based on the data of book of sales and purchases, which is drafted on monthly basis and submitted electronically by 14th of the next month of the respective quarter. The first deadline of this declaration is July 14th, 2018 for the periods: April-May-June 2018.


The Tax Administration would like to encourage you to take part in the trainings being held in every regional directorate of taxes, regarding the inclusion of small business in the VAT scheme.

Moreover, for any questions or unclarities you can call at the free green line 0 800 00 02 and visit the Corners of assistance dedicated to small business.

Thank you!