
Institution > Call Centre >

Call Centre

The Call Centre is a new service and the first of its kind, that provides to the entrepreneurs and citizens information and free assistance via telephone. By calling the green line 0800 00 02, you will get in touch with an operator who will assist you on due time on the following issues:  


  • Online declaration
  • Tax legislation
  • Other issues on the Tax Administration (services provided by the Tax Administration)

Depending on the complexity of your questions, the assistance may be provided directly from our specialists or will be transferred to the relevant experts of the Tax Administration.


The Call Centre is available for you on:


Monday – Thursday, at 08:30-18:00
          Friday, at 08:30-16:00


This new structure in the GDT’s organizational structure has been established in order to be closer to your needs. Facilitating communication with the taxpayers and businesses is at the focus of the General Directorate of Taxes and one of its priority strategic objectives.